Journal Details
Title | Microsystems, Electronics and Acoustics |
Online ISSN / Print ISSN | 2523-4455 / 2523-4447 |
Chief Editor | Yu. I. Yakimenko |
Publisher Name | National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute" |
Journal Description | he publication of the original papers and the observation of the main problems of electronic equipment (vacuum, quantum and solid-state electronics, physical and technological aspects of the production of discrete devices and integrated circuits), acoustics, communications (engineering, telecommunication and computers systems and networks, wireless devices and tools telecommunications, principles networks, Internet) |
Organization Contact Details | "Igor Sikorsky KPI, 16 Politehnichna st., build. 12, of. 116 Kyiv city, Ukraine 03056" |
URL | |
Country | Ukraine | | |
Language | Ukrainian, Russian, English |
Area Of Specialization | Electronics, Acoustics, Communications |
Starting Year | 2017 |
Online Availability | Yes |
Accessibility | Free |
Content Accessibility | Full Text |